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Ambient power rock band Vital Empire combines veteran musicians and songwriters, top-tier production 

and a fresh new vision and sound that draws from their past musical experience, but reaches into the future. 


Following in the musical path carved by Imagine Dragons and Bring Me the Horizon, members of Vital 

Empire have assembled a collection of powerful rock songs that embrace a new energy that band members 

say create a whole new listening experience on their maiden record slated for release Summer 2018. 


Grounded by rhythmic bass and a surging drum sound, vocalist Aaron Pose formerly of Roadrunner 

Records’ band Faktion, adds an ethereal, almost haunting topline with his vocal performance that brings a 

fresh new take on modern rock music.


Add to the mix Grammy nominated, Dove award winning producer Travis Wyrick (10 Years, POD, Disciple), 

who says Vital Empire brought something very unique to his Lakeside Studios and he was excited to do 

what only he can do, which is completely take it apart and put it back together again musically without losing 

the original passion in the music. 


Vital Empire has managed to combine radio marketability with strong musical hooks and positive lyrics with 

songs like “Runaway” written by and featuring Trevor McNevan (Thousand Foot Krutch). 


With a stellar album and support of industry heavy hitters, Vital Empire is a tour de force.  This band is all in, 

coining the only appropriate phrase...their time is now or never!

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